We May Be small

but ever Growing

As you know there is so many different covens, different religions and walks of Life. So many of us want to be right in who is the "Right" or "Original"

We walk around in our lives knowing and doing what is in our Nature! Yet some how our Race decided our Nature should be Restricted and Punished. Then when we do go back to our Natured -selves for a bit we ourselves - or others tell us - "Well that isn't right" or tell you how sick you are. The loop keeps going, Many don't even try to stop it or want to stop this loop; However they wish for it to be.

tsehgiH eht ot liaH

This is where our Temple comes in.

We are about keeping with in our Natured selves, the way True Life is meant for our Race. Why Punish ourselves for what we really are? Why believe in a Deity which isn't really there other than for society to blame for their problems - or- to look for answers that just aren't there?...

About Us

Basic Views

From our Words of Enlightenment, to our Noble Virtues; comes all into our most Basic Views.


Temple Newz

Our Recommendations

As time goes on, we will be making recommendations for followers and/or Prospects to view. Some of these will be books, others may be of movies, poems, documentaries , etc.


Fair Days, Moons and Holidays/Celebrations of Our Temple calendar will be post, along with up coming events. Fair Days are days which are of in Season which are or may be celebrated, Moons are the cycles in which we view each moon is full and some which are not, and then we have Holidays/Celebrations which are fitting to Our Temple. Many of them you may already know and celebrate. You may also know them by a different name other than which we call them.

Temple Store

Postings of Crafts, Arts and other items which a person may buy that have been made by Temple members or by those who have donated to the Temple for use of sale. Links may be provided as where one may find these items to purchase or may be purchased through here by send out e-mail. We are not set up as E-Commerce yet, but posts will eventually be placed. Stay Tuned.

Become a Prospect
Today is the day to build the world of your dreams. Share your mission with the world .
"We May Be small
but ever Growing"™
Become a Prospect