
Words of Enlightenment

* Fault always lies in the same place - with him weak to lay Blame.
* First the smiles, then the lies, last comes the Gunfire.
* 5 minutes worth of Blood and Stupidity.
* Fools are the only Folk on Earth who can absolutely count on getting what they deserve.
* Fresh eyes see clear
* Only a fool believes there dreaming before they wake up - (Don't ignore the situation - deal with it - if it concerns you).
* The quickest way to learn about a new place is to know what it dreams of.
* One who can't stay a bit, shouldn't approach in the first place.
* Cool eyes see clear - (one who has a emotional distance from a situation is able to see it in a balanced way).
* One eyed see flat - (a person must use both eyes to gain a true perspective).
* Always con your vantage - (Always stop and examine your whereabouts).

The Temple of 9 ® Noble Virtues

* I face my fear and defend my family, friends and my kindred from all dangers that concern me.

* I do what is necessary to a line myself in my Enlightenment of my own accord and with the help from my kindred.

* I am true to family, friends and those to whom I pledge my service to so as long as they are true to me .

* I stand by my oaths and honor my ancestors by keeping all in truth.

* I share my hearth, food and drink with fellow Enlighteners.

* I take Joy in all the I do with-in The Temple of 9®, whether it's laborious and I will hold nothing back from the work I pledge to do.

* I Press on, against all odds until my goal is met, the task is finished and I have done everything I have said and been told will be done.

Self Reliance
* I Shall learn skills and grow strong so that I may earn my way in the world, The Temple of 9® and be no burden to my fellow Enlighteners.

* I will seek the truth, even when it may be a hard truth. I will speak true words or stand in silence and I will defend the truth from those who don't honor it.

Basic Views of The Temple of 9®

* Regardless of Race, Sex, Age, Gender, Gender Dysphoria, Sexual Orientation, etc.; you have a right to live and be truly free.

* Those who don't have a right to live are those who killed another individual for no good reason. For a good reason (it is up to the discretion of that individual whether that individuals life shall be terminated as per death; though The Temple of 9® promotes such usage as to only protect, to take someones life); a life may be taken other than for use towards a individual who hasn't killed another physically.

* Punishment should fit the offense, but it is solely for the one who's offense was committed to determine such Punishment; just so as long as the one who was offended understands the Consequences of such actions.

* Any Punishment shall be done by of the same sex and/or Expression (Feminine/Masculine). Only exception is Female and/or Feminine to Male and/or Masculine).

* Killing non-human Animals only if you are threatened or for hunger. If for hunger, leave nothing to waste.

* Government and certain Religious Institutions are not needed and shall be rid of for they do nothing but lie, restrict and punish those for being there true natured-selves and they place us in what is seen as New Aged Slavery. they care for nothing but to make us dumb and weak.

* For those who fall into such pit and wish not to know the truth, to be Enlightened or even deny such acts or know of it's existence; yet don't do anything by saying "what can we do?" or "there's nothing that can be done...."; these are the people who deserve all that is bound to them now and in the future.

* Everyone Shall the the right to Freely love who they wish, marry who they want, and shall freely enter into Sexual Pleasure with who or what as long as the other party isn't forced in any way.

* By burying our dead in such a manner in which takes up land that could be used for agriculture or for living; needs to be stopped and reversed. It is one thing to honor our Dead - and another to take up valuable land for better use.

* Money is a sham. It holds us back in the many things we wish to do and are able to do it, but everything is about funds - thus falling behind in the many opportunities to better health, technology, living, etc.

* Expanding our foundations else where. Going to other planets no matter if it has life or not, to set up for living, laboratories, agriculture, etc. This could be done on moons as well.

* Females are to be treated as if they are Goddesses. Hurting or even killing any Female hurts the world as a whole.

* The world is running itself into it's own eventual destruction by people believing it is there "God" who wishes to save the world from sin, yet they are so blind to the truth. The only way to open them up to the truth is to get the truth by any means and place it out into the open for all to see and to speak what they have been so deceived by.

* When death comes to one of our own, it is never an Honor to Celebrate their Death. Why honor Death? We know that our energy moves on from our physical form - but losing lives shall never be celebrated. It really is a form of disrespect. It is no difference than spitting in ones face with a smile on yours, and telling them how glad you are that one day they will be dead.
After a time of morning has passed, we could then celebrate the life they did lead.

* Everyone has the right to use drugs, but they don't have the right to complain when they fuck up there lives and become stupid from there abusive use.