About Us

We are about keeping with-in our Natured-selves, the way True life is meant for our Race. Why punish ourselves for what we really are? Why believe in a Deity which isn't really there, other than for society to blame for our problem or to look for answers that just aren't there?

The answer is in All of us, we just tend to deny the truth. We deny because some of us just can't grasp the concept the Theism was made to Control, Restrict and Punish because of their conflict with their Nature. They Deny because everyone wants to believe that there is a great being - Great Power over everything.

We at The Temple of 9® not just believe but know there is Great Power; great Beings, but not in as a Deity.

We here at The Temple of 9 ® know that simplistic Laws need to be in place. Not to restrict nor Punish - but to keep in mind - without - our existence would be wiped. Not just our own but other Natured beings as well.

We're about living and fighting for Life at it's Highest. Death is not a factor as a role. Though we know some day it will come to this, but without fighting to live - is not in our Nature.
Death is to be Feared and Life is to be Celebrated.

In this Day in Age of our Race - I know Greater things are to come to us, but it'll only get really Great when we come to realize......

The Truth


We are not a full on Pagan group; However we do believe in Entities. We don't pray or call them on as Deities. We also believe in nature and being one with-in. We believe in the only way to get things done is by our own doing and not waiting on a life force to do it for us.
In a way we are, as Satan does mean adversary or rather one who goes against. We also have a lot of view points as some Satanic groups. we believe in our human natured existence, that we are creators just as someone who believes a Deity is.
We are not. We believe Deities are really rather just Entities that mimic there power to us as Deities. Entities come in many forms; from being of the physical, to even being of the super-natural and even to some by own very own ancients ...the Cosmos.
Here at The Temple of 9 ® believe if the person wishes to use drugs - they may do so; However when those drugs become controlling and destroying of their life and body - they have no right to complain. We wish not for our members to be abusive in their use of drugs. We would rather wish for such use to be Natural Herbs or any natural products for Ceremonial/Ritual use or even for medical use.
Destroying ones self is not in Our ways.
Yes Adversary is one who goes against or one who opposes.This doesn't mean to us that we rebel against all laws or even to do as we please. We believe that no matter what, there has to be some simplistic Law in place; However not to restrict or punish people for being their natured-selves. The majority of the Government which we have all over the world is restrictive and punish with the intent of suppressing our Nature when really suppressing our Nature is like a pressure cooker ready to explode. Some people are scared of there own own natured ways because they've been told all there life how bad it is.
If you wish to see yourself as one - Yes. A Goddess or God known to some as Deities are merely called so as they are ones who are so powerful that they can create life without the use of their hands. Also at times using unknown power. We as humans know that this can be done by us as well, but instead of the power being unknown - it is of the known (at least to those who are Gnostic or even apart of a developed society),for we aren't the creatures we were then, when we couldn't explain a lot of Earth and Cosmic events or even our past.

Q: It is known that Satanic worshipers do a lot of killing/sacrificing others - is this what you do as well?

A: First off - not all Satanists worship Satan or any other so called Deity. Second - it is assumed Satanists kill as for sacrificing or any other reason. These ones, who put this information to the public in stating of such killings is to deter from the truth for they are scared that if the truth were put out to the public - many would leave such group in which they involve themselves. They are only scare tactics. Killing for fun or other wise is not in our ways - it is only for Self Protection from harm. We are not Satanists as one would assume us to be. However - if anyone wishes to assume that we are nothing more then just that....
We are not offended by such accusations.

Q: So if you don't believe in any Deity, what does The Temple of 9® believe?

A: We believe in Entities rather than Deities. Entities if they so choose to - can be a Goddess or God in there own right. Entities come in many forms; our energy after our bodies die, our own physical form as it is now, forms of life or energy not of our world, etc. Entities are not governed by any superiority.
In the days of the old - when we as humans were "primitive" - we seen these great powers as being beyond our comprehension - so it was believed these Goddesses and Gods were so superior - no other would be able to not only harm them, but be over them in any other form beyond them.
This wasn't true. The truth is out their. You just have to rid of your closed mindedness.

Q: How does The Temple of 9® get one to see the truth?

A: We get no-one to do anything. It is the person themselves to see the truth. What we do is provide the "tools" of information which shows the truth and we speak upon it to our fellow members. Once Enlightened to the truth - one will go far in there lives.
We don't force anyone to be enlightened to the truth; However we do demand if anyone wishes to further themselves in Authority with-in The Temple of 9® - that the truth be fully apart of them.

Q: How do you plan to accomplish your mission goals?

A: We plan to do so, through (whether it's with our mission goals or any other subject matter) - to educate and provide tools.
It is up to YOU as to whether or not you use them.