Hail u to o the y Highest


If you are here to be your True Natural Self as Nature made you - then you came Home.
If you came for reasons to be Restricted and Punished for being what Nature made you - we are not what you are looking for.

We are about being True to our History as a Race; to our Natured-selves.

We are not Christians of any type, but we respect their wishes for a Utopian Society - Yet that isn't the way of our Race. It is not in our Nature.
It is proven time and time again what we really want.
We want to be our Animal selves; Sometimes better and other times worse than our Non-human counters.

Some may call or see us as Satanist; (heck-we even call ourselves it at times); and for who am I to argue with it. A lot of the ways as a Satanist is what we are! Satan is merely a meaning of one who goes against "Adversary".

Thing is, Satanist like any other religions fight amongst each other of who is the "Real" or "True" from the rest. They will tell you how accepting they are of all walks of life - yet they deny so many who do fit in there ways.
Then you have those ones who plaster their doings all over, then complain when officials and society pokes there noses into everything that they do.
It's ok to be somewhat open when time needs you to be open, but not to spread like a it's a virus for the "Dr.s" to try and cure it.

We don't claim to be the "Real" or "True" of anything. We claim to reveal to those who wish to know the Truth.
Truth Hurts more than lies ever will.

We are accepting of many:
Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender Orientation "Dysphoric", etc.
However - even though we are accepting of many, there is room to not accept.
Each exception is on a Case by Case basis.
The Major factor of exceptionality is those committing offenses or claiming they did this or that under the name of....!
This isn't acceptable. Even if it was for or under the name of......! You should never in any case bite the hand that feeds you. What a slap in the face one could do - when they didn't whisper in your ear to go off and tell you "you must do this...".
If your History is Riddled with such claims for whatever your in - you won't be accepted anywhere until you are disciplined.

If your ready to learn the Truth and become Enlightened, then take the next steps in your Authority.