

* Kindness only to those who deserve your love

* Gratification rather than abstemious.

* Concern only for which concern you

* Survival of the fittest "Darwinism"

* Eye for an eye

* Responsibility to the Responsible

* Uncorrupted wisdom and knowledge than to contradict by self-deceit

* Our race is just another Animal! Sometimes we are better and at other times we can be worse than those which are non-human. We can be of the most vicious of all other Animals because of Divine Spiritual and intellectual development.

* Live in the here and now of reality, not what could be life after.

* Indulge in all the sins which may lead you to your Mental, Physical and Sexual pleasures as you wish

Natures Violators

Don't let anyone plunder you; fight to the bitter end. To be a coward and not take initiative is a Great Violation of your nature.

If you don't have any marked retaliative feeling for those who unjust you; your better off opening your doors to let everyone take all that is of you and all that belongs to you.

It's one thing to drain the life force out of other for your own personal gain, but when you do it to yourself that's another. Everyone now and then gets overworked and a little depressed at time to where your spiritedness gets affected. This is natural, but when you let it go for lengthy periods of time, this is not who or what we are. We fight in every way in life. To languish your life period is to give yourself up to the enemy.

Oh how is it wished upon those who are so stupid to feel the worst pain of all. It seems as though we allow stupidity into our lives. It's one thing to be ignorant and anther to be straight up stupid. To go with whatever you are told and not know or go out and find the Truth! You deserve whatever you get in life. It don't help either that our media and our government promotes such usage. This isn't acceptable. You can't blame anyone else for your stupidity, you must learn to see through all the tricks. You deserve all the pain you do for your stupidity, it's just too bad you don't feel more.

To not be honest with yourself is a whole another form of stupidity. The only time self-deception should be apart of your life is for fun and with full awareness. Then again - it really wouldn't be self-deception now would it. so take heed and do it for the advantage where needed to be applied.

If you believe that everyone is going to give you the same respect, consideration and courtesy as you would give them ; when you know they won't; would be ones greatest mistake to do in life. You will be lucky to end up with such satisfaction.
Believing everyone is like you, can and will be dangerous. You'll place yourself as someone who is stupid and at their mercy. Do onto others as they do onto you - that is what is necessary is really what the lay of the land really works.

Amnesic Orthodoxies of The Past
To forget what was once in the past can be dangerous. The only thing that is good about it - is that you would be able to present ideas that are "new" to those who are stupid - when really they have been around for a long time. You could use this to your advantage, but don't be the one on the other side.

Deficient in Aesthetics
Beauty is such a lovely tool to us. It is one of the best magical effect one can use to attract what you wish to get.
In the world which we live in now, there're so many distractions around us, but it is proven time and time again - Beauty is hard to ignore.
If you know that your beauty is sweet on the eyes of others - grasp it - don't reject the notion.

this goes along with stupidity. "Don't act like your shit don't stink" some will say. Everyone is made to feel or believe they're some how important - that they're big shots whether they can come up with the proof or not, but if your posturing comes up a bit empty; you're really just as good as a dead mind. Lesser magic couldn't be applied even if you tried.

If you wish to conform to someone else's wishes - do it only if it benefits you and not the other person. Never follow a crowd only just because you think it is cool and the next fad to take off - for you won't get nothing out of it. If you wish to be enslaved - do so by choosing a Mistress or Master intelligently.

Counterproductive Pride
A persons pride is only so good to a certain point. there will however be a time in which you are placed in a corner.
You can then only hold your pride up for so long - and when that time comes where you need to get out and the only way by doing so is by apologizing or making some sorta compromise - then do so if only necessary.

Deficient of and/or No Perspective
You shall never lose sight of who or what you are.
Always keep in mind that your imagination is endless and not to be constrained by anyone or anything. There are endless possibilities in which one can do. All you have to do is keep your eye on the prize and remember - we are a threat just by being here on this little planet we call Earth. Others can't even phantom such ideals, for they work in a whole another existence.

Laws of Life

* Don't hurt Female species for they are the bearers of creation, unless yourself is of the same.

* Don't purposely harm little children.

* You shall bother on-one in open territory. If any do bother you - tell them to stop. If they do not - do what is needed in order for them to stop.

* Non - human animals shall only be killed if you are threatened or for food. Leave nothing to waste.

* only give opinions or advice to those who ask or call upon you to do so.

* Anyone who is to be a guest in your Dogan or Haci who annoy's or disrespects you or your family, shall be treated with Cruelty and with no Mercy.

* If you are in someone else's Dogan or Haci - show them respect. If you can't or won't don't even go there. If they disrespect you their - tell them to stop - if they don't ... Leave with a "destructive fist".

* Don't complain about anything which don't concern you.

* Make your sexual advancement only if you are given the signal to do so. If none has been given or you are unsure, you shall refrain from making any advancements.

* Destroy those who place you or your family in danger or threat; in order to protect only.

* For every action which you put forth, has a consequence.

* All that is given to us by Nature, shall be used without waste.

* Take nothing of which don't belong to you, unless is is a burden to them and/or no ownership follows.

*Tell your troubles only to those you are sure want to listen to what you have to say.

* Recognize the powers of magic if you have plied it successfully to obtain your desires and wishes. If you deny such power of the magic after calling upon it with success; you will lose all that you have obtained.

* Don't expect others to be Enlightened as you are.

* Always assume hand outs aren't free of strings, as well as your strings shall never be assumed they can be paid back.

* Don't believe all advancements made in this world is for the good of our Race, as it can be more hurtful than helpful.