Our Mission
It's our Mission to bring back our Race to our Natured-selves.
In doing so - we will Enlighten all those who are willing and able to hear the Truth and Realism of our world around us.
Once those who become Enlightened - they can work with The Temple of 9® to rid of these viruses that surround our Society and bring us down as a whole.
Some of these changes that need to be done are by: Bettering our Technology, Opening up land that is being taken over by our virus like ways against Nature, away with the need for institutions and to find other ways to cure "Diseases" of all forms (past, present and future).
Once the proper steps are taken, we can bring back our allowance to be our Natured Animal-selves at the up-most Highest.
As the High Manifestanter of The Temple of 9®, I will see to it that our Race becomes Enlightened before it's too late, along with the help of others who are Enlightened.

Our Vision is seeing a world where all are truly free from being Fully Restricted and Punished for being who we are.
Who is to tell us who we should Love, what rights we're allowed or disallowed, that we can't have certain items or go and do things in this world because it can't be afforded and to hold truths from us to make us into Slaves.
We see a world, where the power is put back into the hands of us all,
not of a few.
This being only of needing a "government" type system where they over see "laws" or rather rules which
are Simplistic to our Nature ways of living.
This system will over see all in a one system format to insure we all are treated Equal no matter where you decide to live and not have to worry if your in an area which has different "Laws".
We see cultures still thriving in a world which allows individualism of each person.
Not only allow individualism, but cultures gives us as a Race a diversity.
With-out diversity everything becomes plain and nothing original.
We see a world where our Race is further in our progress like never seen before, because of our opening of our eyes, mind, body and energy to full Enlightenment of the Truth.